We spent another day wrestling the wind across Iowa and blew into Thompson on Friday afternoon. Things look quite a bit different at Gary and Francile's farm since we were here in August. Most of the trees have lost their leaves, the crops have been harvested and most activities are about preparing for Winter. Of course, when you have a balmy day in late October, it's a perfect day to get out and enjoy the tree swing one last time.

Our dear friends welcomed us to a family Thanksgiving feast they hosted Saturday afternoon. Besides the turkey and all the trimmings, the big event was that their granddaughter lost a tooth. Now, all the wants for Christmas is her two front teeth! She was delighted to discover the tooth fairy got the memo that she was spending the weekend here in Iowa. With new treasures in her pockets, Anika was grinning ear to ear. What a wonderful smile!

After all of that food and fun, everybody was ready for a good night's rest. Little Coffee (who isn't quite so little anymore) got a head start. She's a championship napper (and purrer)! Many thanks to Gary and Francile for making us feel like family. It's been so wonderful to see y'all again!
This afternoon we bid our friends farewell and made the quick trip to Forest City. Tonight we're parked at "Camp Winnebago" before we check Bullwinkle into the "hospital" in the morning. While he's at Winnebago a few days getting some warranty work done, we'll be exploring nearby Clear Lake.
Stay tuned!
Hope you get out of Camp Winnebago and hit the road again soon. You know I can sympathize with you.
Bullwinkle writes a very good blog too! And his pictures are great. We always check out our campgrounds from others and their inputs.
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