We're back from a long weekend in Morgan Hill, which is just south of San Jose. We spent three nights at the Coyote Valley Resort, which is a pretty nice spot to call home for a few days. That's the view of the clubhouse and pool from our front window.

Coyote Valley was the site of this month's outing of our Winnie buddies, The Chardonnay Travelers. We were joined by a dozen or so Winnies and Itascas and their delightful owners for three days of fun and relaxation...and tons of food.

Part of the weekend fun included a girls trip to fabric and yarn shops in Morgan Hill. M didn't buy any yarn, but she brought home a quilt book one day and was so inspired she went back to Material Pleasure to buy fabric the next. (She gives this fabric store a big "thumbs up"!) With invaluable help from a couple of quilting gurus in the Winnie group, M selected these fabrics to create a "french braid" quilt for our bed in Bullwinkle. She's eager to get started on this new project. But, she's using starting this new quilt as incentive for finishing a very special quilt she's been working on for years. It's nearly done, so it won't be too long before our bedroom in Bullwinkle feels a bit more comfortable with this homey touch.

While M was shopping, P supervised an RV wash crew who gave Bullwinkle his first professional bath. We spotted the crew working in the park Friday morning and arranged to have them stop by on Saturday. The three-man crew completed the dirty job in less than an hour. Last Fall, we spent most of a day - and several back-breaking hours - giving Bullwinkle his first bath ourselves. It cost more dollars to have the job done by pros, but we saved ourselves time and - more importantly - many aching muscles.

After watching these guys work, we may leave the job to professionals from now on!
Bullwinkle proudly sported his KU flag all weekend, as the NCAA men's basketball tourney was also on our agenda this weekend. We brought a new DirecTV receiver from home so we could watch as much of the tournament as possible. But, unlike our old receivers, which worked like a charm on the road, we couldn't get this new one to find the bird in the sky. So, our tournament coverage was limited to just part of the KU-Michigan State game, which didn't turn out the way we wanted, but was a good game to cap off a great season. And, as far as we're concerned, that brought this year's tournament to a close.
We lingered in Morgan Hill as long as we could this morning, finally hitting the road just after 1PM. M had yet to captain the moose with the squirrel behind, so she took the wheel for her maiden towing voyage. The 70-ish miles back to Bullwinkle's place were smooth sailing as Rocky followed right behind.
Spring has definitely sprung here in the Bay Area. Flowers and trees are in full bloom, temperatures are on the rise and today's skies were crystal clear. On the way home we spotted swarms of bugs of all shapes and sizes enjoying the sunny, warm afternoon. Unfortunately, these first signs of spring meant that Bullwinkle's sparkling clean exterior was in jeopardy.
Splat, splat, splat! Bullwinkle will be in need of another bath soon.

Sometimes you're the windshield. Sometimes you're the bug.