Our merry month of May in Kansas City has passed so quickly. It's hard to believe that we're hitting the road tomorrow, already. We've seen a number of travelers pass through our local RV park. This little Scamp was one of our favorite neighbors. Bullwinkle looked especially huge sitting next to this little "marshmallow".

Much of our time this month has been spent with family. From action-packed Saturday soccer games,

to Mother's Day flower planting for Mom, we're so glad to be able to have an extended visit in our old hometown. Overall, the weather has been great. We had just one evening of severe storms. That makes this May in Kansas City a really good month!

We also enjoyed time with a few friends. There just never seems to be enough time to see everyone. We had a great time catching up with long-ago roommate Gretchen and meeting her not-so-little pups. It had been a couple of decades since we'd seen each other, but it seemed like just yesterday.

On an outing with friends Cathy and Dale and their family we discovered a local burger hut that we had yet to visit. Grandstand Burgers is dangerously close to our "home" park. We liked it so much we enjoyed it twice during our stay.

As always, we took care of a zillion different errands this month. It seems almost everything is easier for us to do in Kansas City. Unfortunately, our efforts to buy a new Jeep fell short. Several dealers encouraged us to look. (We couldn't quite see this "gecko" Wrangler following behind our moose.) But, it seemed nobody was terribly interested in actually selling us one. Lucky for Rocky, his travels with us will continue!

A highlight of our month was a day we spent in nearby Lawrence. Our niece Emily has expressed an interest in attending the University of Kansas School of Journalism in a couple of years. So, we jumped at the chance to show her around our alma mater. We met with the J-school recruiter, who impressed all three of us. Paul and I were ready to pursue our journalism degrees one more time! We toured our favorite college campus from many vantage points. This view down Jayhawk Boulevard from atop the new Oread Hotel is our favorite. Doesn't that prospective Jayhawk look happy?

Things are definitely warming up here in Kansas City. The neighborhood pool is open and the humidity is on the rise. So, it's time for us to head to cooler climates. But, first, we need to make our return trip to northern Iowa. We'll make our way there tomorrow. We look forward to returning to Kansas City when things cool off in the fall.
Meanwhile, we wish our hometown family and friends a happy and safe Summer.