Our last day in Calistoga started off with an early show. While enjoying a few more minutes of post-dawn slumber, we were awakened by quick bursts of a propane burner. "I know that sound," piped M as she jumped out of bed. "It is balloon!"
What a gorgeous way to start a day that wraps up a fun-filled weekend.

Bullwinkle and his trusty sidekick Rocky both made the trip to the Napa County Fairgrounds on Friday morning. They're not set up for towing (yet), so P and M caravanned through wine country to the top of the valley to set up camp quickly before taking off in the Jeep for a bicycling and wine event at the nearby Meadowood Resort.

What a treat to have wheels on camping trip, especially in Napa Valley. With the grapes recently harvested, the vineyards are beginning to display their brilliant fall color. The weather was spectacular all weekend. So, we got out and enjoyed it as much as we could. Saturday we explored in and around Calistoga and did a little geocaching, with mixed results.

Calistoga is a quaint little artsy town known for its healing mud baths and mineral springs. Sculptures dot the landscape, including this creation outside the Calistoga Beverage Company plant. The detail was amazing. (And, there is supposed to be a cache in there somewhere, but we couldn't find it.)

With lots of time for fun and relaxation with Rocky and Bullwinkle, we give Calistoga a big "thumbs up".