Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunny Sunday

After enjoying an extra hour of sleep to the pitter patter of the rain, we awoke this morning to a sunny Sunday. With a few welcome hours in the morning sun, our soaked awning and slide covers were able to dry before we rolled them up for the ride home.

Talk around the campground was the rain total for the weekend was being measured in several inches, like four to six. Through it all, Bullwinkle stayed warm and dry. But, all that water did make a mess of the windshield. Our girl kitty was captivated by the the clean up process.

Our second weekend at our new home campground did not disappoint. With perfectly scripted weather that gave us dry roads and sunshine to and fro, and a perfectly dreary rainy Saturday in between, it was exactly what we needed for a very relaxing extra-hour-long weekend not too far from home.

All of us, including the cats, are already ready to go back.

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