We decided to take advantage of a "no camping" weekend and give Bullwinkle his first bath. After a couple of months on the road and several nights by the sea and in dusty campgrounds, this moose was overdue.
We had no clue how you give a moose a bath. We did our research and loaded up our supplies: a couple of buckets, microfiber towels and baby shampoo. (Really, baby shampoo!) Our storage facility has a handy wash area. For $25 we had four hours of access to a space to work, a long hose and water. With that, we went to work on our 1,325 square-foot task.

We started with the roof. P bravely climbed up the ladder in back (not the one in the pic) and hosed things down. (13 feet is a long way up!)

We divided the work fairly equally. P took care of everything above six feet or so. M washed and dried everything below. Here's P rinsing away with his feet firmly on the ground, behind our nifty new ladder that helped him reach the highest heights with ease.

Here's what makes this ladder nifty. It folds up to the size of a two-by-four and stores nicely in our pass-through bay in the "basement".
About three hours later we were done. And, Bullwinkle was once again sparkling in the sun.
Here are a couple of before and after pics, so you can admire our work, too! (Click on any pic for a closeup view.)

The front was the worst. Hundreds of bugs have met their maker on this grungy surface.

Now it's ready for that first "splat", which
will probably happen three minutes into our next trip.

The sides were bug-free, but covered in road grime.

Now it's clean as a whistle, and ready for our next voyage.
We're not sure you can tell a difference in these pictures. But, we sure can. We're both moaning and groaning with stiff muscles after all this work. Though, the sense of accomplishment after cleaning a beast like this is really something!
Meanwhile, Bullwinkle will sit gathering dust for awhile. It'll be next month before we hit the road again.
See you then!